The Chinese Room’s Still Wakes the Deep didn’t appear during the Xbox Games Showcase, despite launching on day one for Game Pass. Nevertheless, a new trailer debuted during the PC Gaming Show, providing a clear look at some of the terrors roaming the game’s off-shore oil rig. Check it out below.
Set in 1975, the story starts unremarkably, with protagonist Cameron “Caz” McLeary getting fired. Tragedy strikes soon after, causing massive damage to the rig. With the only helicopter on deck in ruins and a mysterious monster roaming the structure, it’s all Caz can do to survive. No word yet on whether his boss is so lucky.
The monster in question does remind one of The Thing, John Carpenter’s classic horror film, which also inspired some of the premise. Other inspirations include The Poseidon Adventure, Annihilation, Midsommar, Rosemary’s Baby and more. Head here for more details.
SFree Bonus on Registrationtill Wakes the Deep launches on June 18th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC.